How Cool You Helps Climate Change in London

How Cool You Helps Climate Change in London

  In our latest video, Cool You’s managing director, Savva, addresses a few concerns about how air conditioning can impact climate change in London. Climate change in London and across the globe is a hot topic. Something we have all started taking more seriously recently. We all need to keep cool in summer. And as the past few years have …

Spring Clean Your Air Conditioner

Spring clean your air conditioner

Have you been wondering how to spring clean your air conditioner after purchasing it? Are you concerned that there is something you need to be doing to keep your system running in impeccable condition? Are you worried that now you have purchased an air conditioner, you will be left alone and in charge of ensuring that it works correctly and …

air conditioning faq

Air Conditioning FAQ About London Apartment Installations

Heat is essential for our well-being, but an environment that is too hot can cause some serious health complications. To avoid this, invest in an air conditioning solution that will provide good air quality and regulate temperature. Cool You’s signature fully internal air conditioning solutions are the perfect option for London apartment owners looking to cool down in the summer. …

how to get rid of damp

How to get rid of damp with a Cool You Internal Air Conditioner

Condensation is one of the biggest causes of dampness in the home. It is such a common and challenging problem to solve. Many people ask themselves how to get rid of damp once and for all. Usually, after trying various methods such as anti-damp paints and resealing windows. But one of the best and most overlooked ways to combat condensation …

how to cool down your apartment

How to cool down your apartment in London

Living in London has its benefits. You’re close to some of the most fantastic attractions and sights in the world. The social capital of Europe is at your fingertips, and all your amenities are within easy reach. However, knowing how to cool down your apartment in the height of summer can be a struggle no one enjoys. Today’s apartments in …

improve air quality in your home

Ways internal air conditioning improves the air quality in your home

The quality of the indoor air we breathe has a real impact on comfort, lifestyle and even health, over the short- and long-term. If you’re looking at ways to improve air quality in your home then internal air conditioning could be the solution you seek. Urban living is the norm for most people, and a 2016 report from the Royal …

Best air conditioning for apartments London

What are the top air conditioning solutions for my London apartment?

Last year’s hot summer was particularly unbearable for some London apartment dwellers. This made it difficult to relax at home or sleep comfortably. All signs point to hot summers becoming the norm in the UK. So take the time to check out the best air conditioning for apartments London has to offer. This way, you’ll get a head start for …

how to buy air conditioning

How To Buy Air Conditioning – The Cool You Client Process

Do you want a cool London apartment but don’t know how to buy air conditioning? The Cool You client process couldn’t be more straightforward. We go out of our way to simplify every stage in the procedure for you. Your happiness is our priority. We want you to enjoy the luxury of a cool home or work environment with as …

Got a stuffy and hot flat or apartment? Read our top 3 ways on how to circulate air in your apartment your London apartment.

Top 3 ways on how to circulate air in your apartment your London apartment

Stuffy and humid apartments can negatively impact many aspects of your daily life. No matter how robust your air conditioning or purifying unit is, circulation is critical to making the most out of your system. Suppose you are wondering how to circulate air conditioning in your apartment. In that case, there are specific tips and tricks that you can follow …

Why you need air conditioning for flats in winter

Why air conditioning for flats is essential even in winter

Air conditioning for flats is essential in the summer months as the advanced technology helps to keep your body cool; but did you know that air conditioning is just as important during the winter months? There are innumerable advantages to having an air conditioning system other than the cooling effect it provides. Here are six important reasons why you still …