Do You Need Permission To Install A Fully Internal Air Conditioning System With No External Box In Your London Apartment?

Do You Need Permission To Install A Fully Internal Air Conditioning System With No External Box In Your London Apartment?
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The biggest concern for homeowners who want air conditioning is often regarding permission. We are always asked: Do you need permission to install internal air conditioning?  Many people are afraid to take action because of potential restrictions with an external box. This can be from a landlord, apartment manager, or even the council.

So, Do You Need Permission To Install Internal Air Conditioning?

The good news is that an internal Cool You system has no external box and generally doesn’t require planning permission.

We have two components: a slim wall-mounted room unit and a small quiet condenser. They are connected together by discreet refrigeration pipework, for example, a hall utility cupboard. We can always find a place you will be happy with. Everything is done internally within your property with no external box to worry about. We can 100% guarantee a solution that is right for you.

We are the experts in providing air conditioning solutions for apartments, listed buildings and properties in conservation areas. Even properties that are simply lacking outside space.

Here’s our managing director Savva explaining more:


An internal Cool You system won’t disturb your neighbours. Plus, our retrofitted installations ensure that we can be in and out of your apartment in just one day with minimal disruption to your apartment and your neighbours!

We ensure our systems are discreet and barely noticeable so clients can get the best of both worlds. You will bypass the planning permission struggles of a conventional system and have a whisper-quiet and discreet internal system in your home with no effect on your neighbours.

However, if you’d feel more assured, we suggest speaking to whoever looks after your building. This will give you peace of mind and assurance that you’re not breaking a clause within your lease.

We also carry out site surveys throughout the year and can guide you on whether we feel you should be asking permission.

Cool You is the go-to for apartment owners. Look no further if you’ve been told you cannot install traditional air conditioning in your home. Make your cool dreams a reality with our internal systems without an external condenser. Call us at 0207 043 2275.

To enquire about air conditioning in your apartment, please contact the team at Cool You on (0207) 043 2275 or fill in this form to arrange a site survey in your home.

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