The installation of a shop/cafe air conditioning system within a modern retail unit.
When the owners of Peloton & Co, a cycle cafe situated within the conservation area surrounding Spitalfields Market, wanted to air condition their shop/cafe, they had to find a solution that conformed with planning restrictions. The shop is part of a new development incorporated into the site of Spitalfields Market, a bustling part of trendy East London near Liverpool Street Station and Brick Lane.
They approached Cool You precisely because of our expertise with air conditioning listed buildings and shops within conservation areas. Like many similar retail units, our water-cooled internal condenser split air conditioning system was ideal.
Fitted in one day and with minimal interruption to trading, we installed the internal condenser unit within a small restroom at the rear of the store. This was connected to a 75kw Wall Mounted High Wall Unit in the sales/cafe area.
On re-visiting Peloton & Co on a sweltering and humid Sunday, the Manager said, “It has already been an absolute Godsend”.
For this project we installed:
Retail Area:
1 x high wall air conditioning unit
1 x 75kw water condensing unit
For more information about how Cool You UK’s water cooled internal condenser split air conditioning systems can help improve the environment and air quality within your Commercial Property in a conservation area, please get in touch with the team at Cool You on (0207) 043 2275 or click here to go to our water cooled air conditioning page.