Why Summer 2018 was a Game Changer For The Air Conditioning Industry

Why Summer 2018 was a Game Changer For The Air Conditioning Industry

This summer has been a huge game changer within the air conditioning industry.

This was because of the heatwave that dominated this past summer. The Met Office actually declared the summer of 2018 as the hottest summer on record in England.

In turn, it really made people think about investing in air conditioning – not just for the snapshot, niche or knee-jerk reaction to this summer, but for the long term.

If you’re living in a Central London apartment with the sun coming in and extended levels of insulation, it’s wise to think about investing in a full air conditioning system as summers are getting hotter and the humidity levels are rising. Many of our customers tell us that because of heat retention within their London apartments, they use our air conditioning system even in the winter to remove excess humidity, and in particular cool down their bedroom prior to sleeping, as opening windows allowing in traffic noise and air pollution from outside is not pleasant.

Savva explains the necessity of having an air conditioning system installed in today’s increasing temperatures in this week’s video:



For this reason, whether you’re going to stay in your apartment for your own standard of living, rent it out in the future or sell it – air conditioning is a must.

Our specialist systems deliver the same quality and performance as conventional air conditioning systems. The one key difference is that our fully internal systems do not have an outside unit and do not require planning permission. This makes them an ideal solution for new build apartments and listed properties where external units are forbidden.

Given the fact that we are the top specialist in air conditioning for Central London apartments, it makes perfect sense for you to let us come up with the perfect solution for you.

To discuss a perfect solution for you and for more information about the air conditioning industry,  feel free to call us on 0207 043 2275 or email us at enquiries@coolyoudirect.co.uk